broad acres 意味

発音を聞く:   broad acresの例文
  • 広い土地{とち}


        acres:     ACRES {略} : Advice Center for Rural Environment Support (社)農村環境整備センター◆1991年設立。農林水産省の所管◆【URL】
        acres of:    莫大な(数の)、大量の、多量の、多数の
        acres and acres:    広大{こうだい}な土地{とち}
        .245 acres:    .245 acres 反 たん
        acres of room:    広い空間{くうかん}
        ancestral acres:    先祖伝来{せんぞ でんらい}の土地{とち}
        fallow acres:    休閑地{きゅうかんち}
        productive acres:    生産性{せいさんせい}の高い畑
        hectare (2.471 acres):    hectare (2.471 acres) 町歩 ちょうぶ
        sprawl for acres around:    ~のまわりに何エーカーにもわたって広がる
        broad:     broad adj. 広い; 品のない. 【副詞】 The river is a mile broad here. ここでは川幅が 1 マイルある his admirably broad culture 感服するほど広い彼の教養 an immensely broad expanse of water 無限の水の広がり I've found t
        the broad:    the broad 平 ひら
        as broad as it's long:    つまり[結局]同じことで、五十歩百歩で It's as broad as it's long. 五十歩百歩{ごじっぽ ひゃっぽ}だ
        broad accent:    ひどい訛り
        broad accessibility:    入手しやすいこと


  1. "broad" 意味
  2. "broad (provincial accent)" 意味
  3. "broad absorption feature in the spectrum of a distant star" 意味
  4. "broad accent" 意味
  5. "broad accessibility" 意味
  6. "broad across the beam" 意味
  7. "broad across the shoulders" 意味
  8. "broad aggregate m3" 意味
  9. "broad agreement" 意味
  10. "broad accent" 意味
  11. "broad accessibility" 意味
  12. "broad across the beam" 意味
  13. "broad across the shoulders" 意味

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